




马骅,太阳成集团tyc122cc讲师。博士毕业于德国柏林洪堡大学,学校具有深厚的研究学术底蕴,历史上共有44位诺贝尔奖获得者出自该校。在洪堡大学期间,主要从事景观农作物的水分、养分以及作物土壤互作研究。通过对景观农业的作物种植体系进行研究,为当地作物灌溉系统提供精准模型参考。同时,致力于研究生物炭材料施用对作物生长、土壤养分、土壤微生物及酶活性的作用。博士毕业后,于重庆大学从事园艺作物土壤功能微生物研究,通过宏基因组学技术研究土壤环境微生物基因组对农业田间管理(农药、化肥的施用)的响应,从功能基因水平揭示人为田间操作对生物地化循环及作土壤功能微生物群落的影响。先后共发表SCI期刊论文16篇,其中第一作者4篇,共同通讯作者3篇,第二作者8篇。曾参加国际学术会议及学术研讨会10余次,并多次发表口头报告。先后主持与参与过多项国际项目。掌握的数据分析方法有:宏基因组学分析方法(基因序列质控、组装、分箱、基因预测、物种注释、marker 基因比对、微生物次生代谢产物(BGCs)分析)、微生物 α、β 多样性分析、共发生网络分析、冗余分析(RDA)、岭回归分析等。擅长的分析软件有: R 语言工作室(Rstudio)、Python 平台、 MetaWRAP(宏基因组包) 、Metabat2(分箱)、Prodigal(基因预测)、DIAMOND(marker基因比对)、kraken(物种注释)、CheckM(分箱质量评估)、antiSMASH(次生代谢产物分析)、iTOL(系统发育进化树构建)、Igraph(共发生网络分析)、MegaX (基因序列比对)、MeMe(Conserved domain分析)等。





2从功能基因水平揭示园艺作物田间管理及非生物胁迫对生物地化循环(C、N、P、S 循环及 K 吸收相关功能基因)及作物养分吸收的影响;










(1)参与项目“基于生态补偿下退耕区域生态服务功能评价–兼论对“一带一路”中亚国家的启示“(2020- 2021),黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室基金课题。

(2)参加项目“全球变化背景下的大豆生产创新网络构架(INNISOY)” 德国、日本、土耳其和法国联合 项目 (2017~2020),德国。The European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan: Innovation Network to Improve Soybean Production under the Global Change (INNISOY) (2017-2020) http://www.zalf.de/en/forschung_lehre/projekte/pages/details.aspx?iddp=2028

(3)参与项目“生物炭对食品安全和可持续生态服务的贡献:重要农作物种植中土壤、根围、内生细菌和生 物碳的相互作用”(2017-2018),德国。Biochar for food security and sustainable ecosystem services: Understanding the Interplay between the soil, rhizosphere/endophytic bacteria and biochar in agricultural important plants (2017-2018)

(4)主持项目“空间异质性分析生物炭对沙地大豆根瘤菌共生与作物生长的影响”(2015~2018),德国。Spatial variability of the effects of biochar on soybean-rhizobium symbiosis and plant growth on sandy soil (2015-2018).http://www.zalf.de/en/forschung_lehre/projekte/Pages/details.aspx

(5)参加“亚非环境科学实地导向型带头人培养项目”2013,日本。Fund of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (Strategic International Cooperation): FOLENS (Education Program for Field-Oriented Leader in Environmental Sectors in Asia and Africa) (2013)

(6)参加日本国际合作组织(JICA)基层项目“利用多用途生物炭和木醋提高越南巴赫马国家公园地区的 乡村生活水平及自然环境保护”2012,日本。JICA Grass Root Project: Technical Cooperation- Project for improving rural live and conserving the nature by multipurpose use of charcoal and wood vinegar in Bach Ma National Park, Vietnam (2012)



[1]Hua Ma. (2019). Systematic analysis of biochar performance on plant growth in soybean cropping system at marginal area in Germany and China. Verlag Dr. Koster: Berlin. ISBN: 978-3-89574-969-8.

[2]Hua Ma*, Qirui Li, Dilfuza Egamberdieva*, Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura. (2022). A case study in desertified area: soybean growth responses to soil structure and biochar addition integrating ridge regression models. Agronomy. IF:4.1, Q1

[3]Hua Ma*, Vyacheslav Shurigin, Dilfuza Jabborova, Jeane Aril-dela Cruz, Thomas Edison dela Cruz, Stephan Wirth, Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura, Dilfuza Egamberdieva*. (2022). The integrated effect of microbial inoculants and biochar types on soil biological properties, and plant growth of lettuce (Lac-tuca sativa L.). Plants. IF:4.8, Q1

[4]Hua Ma*, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Stephan Wirth, Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura. (2019). Effect of Biochar and Irrigation on Soybean-Rhizobium Symbiotic Performance and Soil Enzymatic Activity in Field Rhizosphere. Agronomy. IF:4.1, Q1

[5]Hua Ma*, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Stephan Wirth, Mudan Hou, Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura. (2019). Effect of biochar and irrigation on the interrelationships among soybean growth, root nodulation, plant P uptake, and soil nutrients in a sandy field. Sustainability. IF:4.1, Q2

[6]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*,Hua Ma*, Moritz Reckling, Richard Ansong Omari, Stephan Wirth and Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura. (2021). Interactive Effects of Biochar, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous on the Symbiotic Performance, Growth, and Nutrient Uptake of Soybean (Glycine max L.). Agronomy. IF:4.1, Q1

[7]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*,Hua Ma*, Burak Alaylar, Zohreh Zoghi, Aida Kistaubayeva, Stephan Wirth and Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura. (2021). Biochar Amendments Improve Licorice (Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch.) Growth and Nutrient Uptake under Salt Stress. Plants. IF:4.8, Q1

[8]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*,Hua Ma*, Vyacheslav Shurigin, Jakhongir Alimov, Stephan Wirth and Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura. (2022). Biochar Additions Alter the Abundance of P-Cycling-Related Bacteria in the Rhizosphere Soil of Portulaca oleracea L. under Salt Stress. Soil systems. Q1 (new journal)

[9]Meihua Deng,Hua Ma, Amir Sadeghpour, Guiling Yang*, Yan Hu* and Dong Yang. (2023). Responses of crop production and soil health to chemical nitrogen fertilization in a maize-wheat rotation system. Frontiers in Environmental Science. IF: 5.4, Q2

[10]Dilfuza Jabborova*,Hua Ma, Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura, Stephan Wirth. (2021). Impacts of biochar on basil (Ocimum basilicum) growth, root morphological traits, plant biochemical and physiological properties and soil enzymatic activities. Scientia Horticulturae. IF:4.3, Q1

[11]Qirui Li,Hua Ma, Zhuqing Xu, Hao Feng & Sonoko D. Bellingrath-Kimura. (2021). Balancing socioeconomic development with ecological conservation towards rural sustainability: a case study in semiarid rural China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. IF:3.7, Q2

[12]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*,Hua Ma, Jakhongir Alimov, Moritz Reckling, Stephan Wirth, Sonoko Dorot hea Bellingrath-Kimura. (2020). Response of Soybean to Hydrochar-Based Rhizobium Inoculation in Loamy Sandy Soil. Microorganisms. IF:5.1, Q1

[13]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*, Vyacheslav Shurigin, Burak Alaylar,Hua Ma, Marina Müller, Stephan Wirth, Moritz Reckling and Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath-Kimura. (2020). The Effect of Biochars and Endophytic Bacteria on Growth and Root Rot Disease Incidence of Fusarium Infested Narrow-Leafed Lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.). Microorganisms. IF:5.1, Q1

[14]Isabelle Weindl, Mario Ost, Petra Wiedmer, Monika Schreiner, Susanne Neugart, Rebecca Klopsch, Holger Kühnhold, Werner Kloas, Ina M. Henkel, Oliver Schlüter, Sara Bußler, Sonoko D. Bellingrath- Kimura,Hua Ma, Tilman Grune, Susanne Rolinski, Susanne Klaus*. (2020). Sustainable food protein supply reconciling human and ecosystem health: A Leibniz Position. Global Food Security. IF:9.0, Q1

[15]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*, Li Li,Hua Ma, Stephan Wirth and Sonoko Bellingrath-Kimura. (2019). Soil amendment with different maize biochars improves chickpea growth under drought and irrigation to varying degrees by improving symbiotic performance with Mesorhizobium ciceri and soil biochemical properties. Frontiers in microbiology. IF:6.1, Q1

[16]Nasir Mahmood*, Muhammad Arshad, Harald Kächele,Hua Ma, Ayat Ullaha, Klaus Müller. (2019). Wheat yield response to input and socioeconomic factors under changing climate: Evidence from rainfed environments of Pakistan. Science of the total environment. IF:8.0, Q1

[17]Dilfuza Egamberdieva*,Hua Ma, Moritz Reckling, Stephan Wirth & Sonoko Dorothea Bellingrath- Kimura. (2018). Potential effects of biochar-based microbial inoculants in agriculture. Environmental Sustainability.



Hua Ma, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Stephan Wirth, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea: Systematic analysis of biochar performance on plant growth in soybean cropping system in Germany and China. The 22nd World Congress of Soil Science, Glasgow, UK (07/2022 Oral presentation)


Hua Ma, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Stephan Wirth, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea: Systematic analysis of biochar performance on plant growth in soybean cropping system in Germany and China. The 62nd conference of the society for Plant Science, Berlin, Germany (09/2019 Poster presentation)


Hua Ma, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Systematic analysis of biochar performance on plant growth in soybean cropping system in Germany and China. The Third INNISOY meeting, Toulouse, France (06/2019 Oral presentation)


Hua Ma, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea: Impacts of biochar and irrigation on soybean-rhizobium symbiotic performance and soil enzymatic activity in a field experiment. The 61st conference of the society for Plant Science, Kiel, Germany (09/2018 Oral presentation)


Götz Uckert, Hannah A. Graef, Hua Ma, Frieder Graef, YustoYustas, Harry Hoffmann, Valerian Silayo, Stefan Sieber, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Effects of biochar and the use of TLUD-reactors in rural areas for cooking and soil. Annual interdisciplinary conference on Research in tropical and subtropical agriculture: Natural Resource Management and Rural Development (Tropentag 2018), Ghent, Belgium (09/2018 Poster presentation)


Hua Ma and Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Potential of legumes to increase protein production in agricultural field. Workshop: Dietary proteins of future, Potsdam, Germany (03/2018 Oral presentation)


Hua, Ma, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Moritz Reckling, Johannes Bachinger, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Spatial variability of the effects of biochar on soybean-rhizobium symbiosis and plant growth on sandy soil. The conference on Landscape 2018- Frontiers of Agricultural Landscape Research, Berlin, Germany (03/2018 Poster presentation)


Hua Ma, Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Spatial variability of the effects of biochar on soybean-rhizobium symbiosis and plant growth on sandy soil. The Symposium on Biochar for Sustainable Agriculture: Opportunity and Challenge, Shenyang, China. (06/2016 Oral presentation)


Hua Ma, Okazaki Shin, Yokoyama Tadashi, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Analysis of Soil Improvement Potential by Biochar: Soybean-rhizobium Symbiosis and Plant Growth on Sandy Soil. The 3rd Conference on Plant-Microbe Symbiosis and Nitrogen Fixation, Chengdu, China. (10/2014 Poster presentation)


Hua Ma, Okazaki Shin, Yokoyama Tadashi, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Effect of Biochar on Soybean-rhizobium Symbiosis and Plant Growth on Sandy Soil. The 60th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition Conference, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan. (09/2014 Poster presentation)


Hua Ma, Okazaki Shin, Yokoyama Tadashi, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Effect of Biochar on Soybean-rhizobium Symbiosis and Plant Growth on Sandified land. The First Symposium of Sustainability Environmental Leadership Summit, Hokkaido University, Japan. (11/2013 Poster presentation)


Hua Ma, Okazaki Shin, Yokoyama Tadashi, Kimura Sonoko Dorothea. Effect of Biochar on Soybean-rhizobium Symbiosis on Sandified land. The 59th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Nagoya University, Japan. (09/2013 Poster presentation)


通讯地址:宁夏银川市西夏区贺兰山路西路489号 太阳成集团贺兰山校区太阳成集团tyc122cc


电 话:0951-2061697
